A Holiday Request… and some LONG Overdue Shoutouts

On the left, a digital painting of Johnny Profane Au, smiling and gazing up to the right into light. On the left, the AutisticAF Out Loud logo.

I provide all my autism info for free. But I depend on the generosity of folks like you to make it happen.

NOTE: Not everyone can help out with tips or subs. But if you read and share my new post… you help more than you can know!

Hello, incredible community! Johnny Profane here with a humble request. AND, some well-deserved shoutouts at the end.🌟

I provide all my #autism info for free. But I depend on the generosity of folks like you to make it happen.

Please support me at my Ko-Fi page with a tip or subscription?

Each day, I pour my heart into my work… to be a voice in our autism journey. Basically, cuz I gotta. That’s special interests for ya…

But now, I’ve hit a snag.

Our car, my lifeline in this rural Owensburg, is crying for help.

We were so fortunate… family members Zach & Sky GAVE us the van. Our Odyssey’s absolutely neccessary to survive. At least in the country village we chose to support my autistic sensory need.

But we’re facing brakes & tires. Which ain’t cheap. I’m staring down a $500 bill.

Plus Christmas is coming for the family. Kimmie has 7 extraordinary kids. And then there’s the 17 grandkids showing more and more signs of extraordinary every day…

If you’ve found a friend in my words, consider lending a hand. It’s more than just money; it’s keeping our dream of an autistic community alive.

You guys make MY dreams come true. Every day. In my freaking 70s.

It’s my raw hope, I help make one or two come true for you by sharing my lived experience.

I’m forever grateful for your past support. Together, we’re more than just a community; we’re a family.

With your help, we can continue this amazing journey. Thanks for being the stars in my night sky.

Big shoutout to EVERYBODY for always being there. And making AutisticAF Out Loud a reality!

Angie Kilroy
Bernard Grant
Bernadette Grosjean
Brea Corwin
Bridget Donahue
Burnett Grant
Chris Thompson
Ed Dupree
Fellow Autistic
JD Goulet
Jim Hogan
Kimmie Knapp
Marcus Garrett
Martin Nutbeem
Merlin Star
Nonimiz on TikTok
Zach & Sky Granger
And a dozen more folks who prefer anonymity.

Please support me at my Ko-Fi page with a tip or subscription.

One Autistic Voice: Escapin Up The Country #AutisticAF Out Loud

  1. One Autistic Voice: Escapin Up The Country
  2. Actually Autistic? Whatever Doesn't Kill Your Unique Neurodivergent Ass… s4e3
  3. Autism? It's a State of Being. NOT an Identity Group, s4e2
  4. Slouching Toward Joy: My Best 6 Phases To An Actually Autistic Relief, s4e1
  5. The Night this Autistic Adult Broke Free: An Autistic A.F. Halloween Tale, s3e8
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